Произведение Виталия Бианки "Леснаягазета" является своего рода энциклопедией русской природы. Сведения, содержащиеся в рассказах, имеют научный характер, но переданы читателям в занимательной форме.
+371, LV - Latvia
+370, LT - Lithuania
+372, EE - Estonia
+93, AF - Afghanistan
+355, AL - Albania
+213, DZ - Algeria
+1-684, AS - American Samoa
+376, AD - Andorra
+244, AO - Angola
+1-264, AI - Anguilla
+1-268, AG - Antigua and Barbuda
+54, AR - Argentina
+374, AM - Armenia
+297, AW - Aruba
+61, AU - Australia
+43, AT - Austria
+994, AZ - Azerbaijan
+1-242, BS - Bahamas
+973, BH - Bahrain
+880, BD - Bangladesh
+1-246, BB - Barbados
+375, BY - Belarus
+32, BE - Belgium
+501, BZ - Belize
+229, BJ - Benin
+1-441, BM - Bermuda
+975, BT - Bhutan
+591, BO - Bolivia
+387, BA - Bosnia and Herzegovina
+267, BW - Botswana
+55, BR - Brazil
+246, IO - British Indian Ocean Territory
+673, BN - Brunei Darussalam
+359, BG - Bulgaria
+226, BF - Burkina Faso
+257, BI - Burundi
+855, KH - Cambodia
+237, CM - Cameroon
+1, CA - Canada
+238, CV - Cape Verde
+1-345, KY - Cayman Islands
+236, CF - Central African Republic
+235, TD - Chad
+56, CL - Chile
+86, CN - China
+61, CX - Christmas Island
+61, CC - Cocos (Keeling) Islands
+57, CO - Colombia
+269, KM - Comoros
+242, CG - Congo
+243, CD - Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
+682, CK - Cook Islands
+506, CR - Costa Rica
+225, CI - Cote D'Ivoire
+385, HR - Croatia
+53, CU - Cuba
+357, CY - Cyprus
+420, CZ - Czech Republic
+45, DK - Denmark
+253, DJ - Djibouti
+1-767, DM - Dominica
+1-809, DO - Dominican Republic
+593, EC - Ecuador
+20, EG - Egypt
+503, SV - El Salvador
+240, GQ - Equatorial Guinea
+291, ER - Eritrea
+372, EE - Estonia
+251, ET - Ethiopia
+500, FK - Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
+298, FO - Faroe Islands
+679, FJ - Fiji
+358, FI - Finland
+33, FR - France
+594, GF - French Guiana
+689, PF - French Polynesia
+241, GA - Gabon
+220, GM - Gambia
+995, GE - Georgia
+49, DE - Germany
+233, GH - Ghana
+350, GI - Gibraltar
+30, GR - Greece
+299, GL - Greenland
+1-473, GD - Grenada
+590, GP - Guadeloupe
+1-671, GU - Guam
+502, GT - Guatemala
+224, GN - Guinea
+245, GW - Guinea-Bissau
+592, GY - Guyana
+509, HT - Haiti
+379, VA - Holy See (Vatican City State)
+504, HN - Honduras
+852, HK - Hong Kong
+36, HU - Hungary
+354, IS - Iceland
+91, IN - India
+62, ID - Indonesia
+98, IR - Iran, Islamic Republic of
+964, IQ - Iraq
+353, IE - Ireland
+972, IL - Israel
+39, IT - Italy
+1-876, JM - Jamaica
+81, JP - Japan
+962, JO - Jordan
+7, KZ - Kazakhstan
+254, KE - Kenya
+686, KI - Kiribati
+850, KP - Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
+82, KR - Korea, Republic of
+965, KW - Kuwait
+996, KG - Kyrgyzstan
+856, LA - Lao People's Democratic Republic
+371, LV - Latvia
+961, LB - Lebanon
+266, LS - Lesotho
+231, LR - Liberia
+218, LY - Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
+423, LI - Liechtenstein
+370, LT - Lithuania
+352, LU - Luxembourg
+853, MO - Macao
+389, MK - Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of